Brussels, painter
bieke buckinx


Bieke Buckinx (°1988, Brussels, BE) is living and working in Brussels. With an educational background in Visual Arts from the Academy of Visual Arts in Anderlecht, Bieke creates contemporary and figurative paintings that are mainly focused on daily life, finding beauty in the banal. Her works bring about a certain irony or humor, aiming to emphasize the less serious side of life. That is precisely what Bieke wants to surround her audience with: an image that can arouse emotion, recognition, and above all lightheartedness. It is important for her to truly connect with a broad spectrum of art lovers, artists and curators alike.
2022 - shilly-shally sandwich, Urvanity Art, Madrid
2022 - srirachart series of 15, Mok, Brussels, Belgium
2022 - Pizza for breakfast, Indian Dribble, Brussels, Belgium
2022 - Ruby & (more) Friends group show/ RUBY Gallery @allabouttg1ngs Brussels, , Belgium
2022 - stadsgardeville edition 4, don’t buy me, Edmond, Brussels, Belgium
2021 - vas-y, n°1-7, rempart, 44, Brussels, Belgium
2021 - vas-y, Galerijke Marijke, Antwerp, Belgium
2021 - The platform, /THE PLATFORM, Antwerp, Belgium
2021 - selection of 4 works, carousel, Nieuwpoort, Belgium
2021 - That’s just great! & Bal Masqué series, Urvanity Art Fair, Madrid
2021 – 6, RUBY Gallery @allaboutth1ngs, Brussels, Belgium
2021 - Bal Masqué, RUBY Gallery @allaboutth1ngs, Brussels, Belgium
2021 - #nocarbs series of 10, FIRMA, Brussels
2020 - Wedding Season + etalage, A Suivre, Brussels
2020 - Slow Days, Resto Henri, Brussels, Belgium
2019 – Stories, GRUUN, Brussels, Belgium
2019 - #nocarbs: four part art installation, Encore, Brussels, Belgium
2019 - seven paintings from collection ‘RAL2018BXL’ , MOK, Leuven, Belgium
2019 - The Painter And The Photographer from collection ‘VIP club’ /MOK, Brussels, Belgium
2019 - The Painter And The Photographer from collection ‘VIP club’ + collection ‘RAL
2019 - BXL’ /secretdinners, Antwerp, Belgium
2019 - six paintings from collection ‘One Painting At A Time', Resto Henri, Brussels, Belgium
2018 - Stadsgardeville edition 3, collection ‘RAL2018BXL’ , Atelier Coppens, Brussels, Belgium
2017 - Dreams & Creams, collection 'You May Say I'm A Dreamer', Léon 16, Brussels, Belgium
2017 - Stadsgardeville edition 2, collection 'One Painting At A Time', BOB361 Architects, Anderlecht, Belgium
2016 - Stadsgardeville edition 1, collection 'Les Kop Connus', 4041 space, Ravensteingalerij, Brussels, Belgium